Nature’s Accents is a Unilock Authorized Contractor

We’re thrilled to announce that Nature’s Accents is now a Unilock Authorized Contractor. As a manufacturer of high quality concrete pavers, natural stone, and retaining wall products, Unilock hand picks the best contractors for their program and stands behind their work.

What does that mean for our customers?

Nature’s Accents is a Unilock Authorized Contractor

Being a Unilock Authorized Contractor offers customers a greater peace-of-mind. Why? Because it means we are among the best in the business. Unilock’s Authorized Contractor program guarantees Nature’s Accents’ deep product knowledge, superior customer service, and quality workmanship. We were independently and thoroughly screened to gain acceptance into the program, and this stamp of approval is reserved only for a select group of talented contractors.

At Nature’s Accents, our quality of work is continually assessed on an annual basis and we provide a two-year workmanship guarantee as part of this designation. Customers can rest assured that if our warranty is unfulfilled in any way, Unilock will step in and back it up.

We are proud to join a select group of contractors that have earned this prestigious honor within our industry. This recognition is not simply symbolic – it is a concrete safeguard so that our customers will always feel secure.

As a Unilock Authorized Contractor, Nature’s Accents will continue to deliver the best service, best value and best products to ensure customer satisfaction in every single job.

* Unilock covers major structural failures of residential installations where 100% of the product used is Unilock for a period of two years from the date of installation. Minor settling or aesthetic imperfections are excluded, as are issues that arise due to unknown soil or groundwater conditions beneath the prepared base.

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About the Author

Nature’s Accent’s team has become one of the leading landscape service companies in the Berks and Schuylkill County region. Specializing in the creative design of both residential and commercial landscapes, the company has provided extensive hardscape installations, a sizable range of maintenance services, and a creative array of fire, lighting, and water elements to round out countless outdoor projects in the region.